

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Dünyayı Kurtaran Adam A.K.A. The Man Who Saved the World, Turkish Star Wars (1982)

A Turkish science fiction directed by Cetin Inanc.
2 men from Earth face an evil wizard.
This was like taking the worst parts of 1950s science fiction, 1960s peplum and 1980s kung fu films and turning the horrid mess into a single film. Everything about it was bad or worse. It wasn't so bad it was good or even fun to mock. It was just trash. It is listed among the worst films ever and I agree. The filmmakers were not even skilled enough to make it bad on its own, but had to infringe copyright, including (most obviously) scenes from Star Wars and music from Indiana Jones. The sword was the worst movie prop I've seen. It looked like spray painted cardboard. I rate this shit and wish I had never wasted my time watching it. DO NOT WATCH!!!!

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