

Monday, December 2, 2019

A Thousand Words (2012)

An American comedy drama directed by Brian Robbins, starring Eddie Murphy.
An extroverted businessman is trying to publish a "new age" writer's book and ends up with a tree in his yard. The tree loses leaves when Eddie Murphy speaks and he is told he will die when all the leaves are gone.
I guess the thought process was that if Jim Carrey couldn't lie in Liar Liar (1997) and that was funny, then if Eddie Murphy can't speak at all, that should be funny too, right? No. It was hokey, cheesy, sappy and shallow. The camera crew and editors did their best to make it seem like Eddie was having these emotional breakthroughs, finding his true self, but it came off too heavy handed. Again, this is supposed to be one of the worst movies and this is closer to how bad movies can get. It was not painful to watch, though. There were some short and slightly funny moments and the camerawork looked good. Again, it comes down to writing. A bad script makes a bad movie and no amount of camerawork, acting, editing or music is going to change that. I rate this bad. Don't watch it.

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