

Monday, January 25, 2016

Shivers A.K.A. Orgy of the Blood Parasites, The Parasite Murders, They Came from Within, Frissons (1975)

A Canadian horror directed by David Cronenberg, starring Barbara Steele.
A doctor has developed a new kind of parasite that supposedly filters human blood to repair damaged kidneys. The man with the parasite in him becomes sick and the parasite exits his body to find and infect others. This parasitic disease spreads like wildfire through a hotel.
This was not good. I was listening to the voice-over on the intro, detailing the benefits of the hotel and expecting this to play into the plot somehow. Nope. There were lots of underexposed shots, the characters mattered less than the setting and the plot was too simple. The only good things were a quick use of forced perspective and female anatomy points. Overall, it sucked. I rate this bad.

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