

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Harakiri (1962)

A samurai film directed by Masaki Kobayashi.
A ronin visits the house of a feudal lord, seeking an appropriate place for his seppuku ritual. Thinking that the ronin just wants money, the lord tells him a story of another man who came for the same reason. The ronin still insists on killing himself and a swordsman is sent for. While they wait, the ronin tells the story of how he ended up there. Then things get interesting...
I thought this was great! a real fucking samurai flick! They portrayed the necessary poverty and ruined lives (rich, happy samurais are boring) and the whole soundtrack was in traditional Japanese instrumentation. The plot twists and the characters change... it's amazing. Also, there's a big fight at the end. I'm rating this awesome.

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