

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Terminator & Terminator 2 Judgement Day (1984 & 1991)

American science fictions directed by James Cameron, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton.
People and robots from an apocalyptic future are sent throughh time to change the past. They are sent equally to protect and destroy the future leader of the human resiustance against machines and his mother.
But wait! There are 6 films in this series! No. In my book, #3 started a new series separate from the first 2. The main point that I like is keeping the same 2 lead actors and re-casting Arnold from villain to hero. It makes the sanitarium hallway scene in #2 very effective. These films are known for visual effects and rightly so. The first film included an animated robot and the second had a villain made of liquid metal who could change shape. John Connor's friend from the motorcycle and arcade scenes was Danny Cooksey, who was also in Salute Your Shorts (1991 - 1992 TV). I really like the Guns N' Roses song, "You Could Be Mine" included in that section and as a DVD extra music video. The plot point of machines turning against people seems more realistic now than it did when these films were made. Even my car (made in 2006) thinks it is smarter than me. My current phone basically thinks for itself. I rate these 2 films awesome. The rest of the series would end up below o.k.

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