

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Mormonism's Temple of Doom

An American documentary by William Schnoebelen.
Billy S. goes into detail on the history and beliefs of Mormonism. He also explains his opinion on the flaws of this religion.
Schnoebelen is good, but not infallible. Most of his videos are interesting, entertaining and thought-provoking, but sometimes there are dull moments. This is two hours and 27 minutes of those dull moments. I did chuckle at some points when he drove home a powerful statement, but overall, I was unimpressed. Maybe this is because I have very little interest in Mormonism. Also, he forgot to mention the primary and intrinsic flaw of the religion, it's name. Mormo is a bad guy from Greek mythology who was Hecate's buddy and is listed in the Satanic Bible as a name for the devil. Even if you like Schnoebelen's work, you may want to skip this snoozer. I rate it o.k. and considering the presenter, that is an insultingly low rating.

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