

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Deathgasm (2015)

A New Zealand comedy horror directed by Jason Lei Howden.
A high school metalhead boy moves to a new town where he befriends the dungeons and dragons dorks as well as a local miscreant, fellow metalhead. They form a band and shortly after, break into the house of a heavy metal cult celebrity in hiding. He gives them a record with papers in in before a mysterious man arrives to kill him. This man is tied into an organization looking for the papers because of their occult content. The band learns and plays the song written on the papers and all hell breaks loose.
Not too shabby, but not very consistent. High School drama just doesn't fit with the metal elements exactly right. One minute kids are getting beaten up for being nerds or worrying about teen romance, the next someone is imagining mountain top metal god status or mutilating zombies with a chainsaw. I liked the good parts and there were plenty of them to like. Some sections just did not fit into the cohesive whole. Plot was pretty standard for comedy horror, but with teen drama characters. The video varied as I described above. The soundtrack, however, was one of the best I've heard in a while. The only audio that was unclear to me were the demons' dialogue. I'm pretty used to black and death metal lyrics, but what they were saying was incoherent. Subtitles would have really helped there. Overall, Pretty cool. Despite the irregularities, I liked it and rate it good. Just so you know, Haxansword is a fictional band.

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