

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Li'l Abner (1940)

An American romantic comedy directed by Albert S. Rogell, starring Jeff York and Buster Keaton.
A young man feels sick from eating a strange sandwich and a barber tells him he only has 24 hours to live. Because he thinks that he will be dead soon, he gets engaged to a young woman who has been chasing him for years, captures a criminal and gets engaged to another woman in exchange for help escaping from the criminal's gang. The matter of who he will marry is settled at a Sadie Hawkins day race.
So stupid! The simple plot and shallow characters made for an uninteresting film. The early date and low production value ensured this. The idiotic humor really drove the whole thing home. What boggles my mind is a whole town of men being chased by women and not wanting to be caught, except for a pair of socially inept guys. An interesting note is that Li'l Abner's father's name is Lucifer. Also, the socially inept guys who are Abner's friends remind me of friends that I would have. One is a stereotypical Injun who can't make fire and the other is a hulking Muppet-style character whose nose is the only facial feature visible because of his long hair and beard. I rate this bad. Don't watch it.

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