

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Interview With An Ex-Vampire (2006)

An American documentary directed and produced by Michael Relfe, interviewed by Stephanie Relfe B.Sc., story by William Schnoebelen.
Bill Schnoebelen - current born again Christian and anti-Masonic speaker, former occult leader - tells the eventful story of his life to an interviewer. He details his time in religious college, pagan/wiccan covens, satanic groups and masonic/illuminati pyramid scheme.
Is it real? That is the main question to be asked here and (as always) I think that not knowing is most fun. Given the details that Bill tells of initiations and ceremonial magick, he could have done lots of research and faked the whole thing or he could have actually done all of these things. A third possibility is that he THINKS he did all of these things and is totally insane. He sure seems sane to me on the video and the 9+ hour duration would have given him ample time to reveal mental instability. He just sits there like a psychedelic Santa Clause in a suit and tells his story with a good sense of humor. Some highlights include episodes that I have dubbed "Night Skies as a Child", "The Cathedral of Pain", "Cocaine and Blood" and "The Cruel Tutelage of Master M". I will let the lurid titles speak for themselves. Obviously, this dude has the wildest story that I've ever heard and obviously I like this video quite a bit. I have viewed it countless times and still notice parts that I did not notice/remember from before. I rate this best and would recommend it to those who are willing to watch the whole thing. Not for the squeemish or faint of heart.

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