

Monday, March 9, 2020

Walker (1987)

A Spanish American acid western comedy directed by Alex Cox, starring Ed Harris, Richard Masur and Peter Boyle.
A military leader who is totally detached from reality and nearly impervious to bullets leads a mission to bring civilization and democracy to Nicaragua.
Very strange. The humor was almost Stephen Chow style, with deadpan delivery of absurd lines. There were many anachronisms, including modern magazines, a computer and a helicopter. I was unsure whether it was a comedy until this guy was reading Newsweek (image). It was also a violent bloodbath. The plot was not so great, but I think that it was intended to point out America's tyrannical military ventures. The characters were saying that they were bringing democracy to this undeveloped country and then it turned into a massacre. Speaking of characters, the main character was the only one who really counted for anything. His financeer was also important and was cast and acted well. The video looked fine, but I didn't see much outside of standard Hollywood filmmaking style. Audio was in English and Spanish with subtitles which also included the sign language sections. 1987 does it again. I rate this good and it's going in my Acid Western folder. You should probably watch it.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, I saw this movie in the early 90's and for some reason it always stuck with me. Not a great movie by any means, but some of the scenes and the acting is so far out there it defies logic. Helps that the story was loosely based on a real man/events
