

Saturday, January 25, 2020

17 Again (2009)

An American comedy drama directed by Burr Steers, starring Leslie Mann, Thomas Lennon and Brian Doyle-Murray.
A man regrets his life because he got married in High School and skipped college. His wife is divorcing him and his kids don't like him. A magical janitor makes him 17 years old again, but the rest of the world stays the same.
I thought 16 Wishes (2010) was bad, this is worse. The writing seemed like someone was having serious mental problems to think this was ok. Jason Filardi (writer) has not been involved in very many films. The only other things I've seen were when he acted in The Craft (1996) and Ricky 6 (2000) as an extra. I must assume that he has a developmental disability (A.K.A. he's a retard). The plot was a bad idea to begin with and stayed terrible throughout the duration. The shallow characters did not develop. Some of them changed slightly and the protagonist had his cookie cutter awakening, but I would not classify that as a dynamic character. This type of film just feels so contrived and forced that I can't see how 1: the filmmakers think it will work while creating it or 2: anyone can enjoy watching it. The video was mostly bright and saturated, but the audio surprised me with lots of audible dialogue. That and the Brian Doyle-Murray cameo (image) were the only good things about it. I rate this shit because you would have to be retarded to like it. DO NOT WATCH!

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