

Saturday, May 18, 2019

My Hindu Friend (2015)

A Brazilian drama by Hector Babenco, starring Willem Dafoe.
A man with cancer has trouble with his wife and brother. On a side note, he meets a Hindu boy in the hospital.
The title must be a joke because that boy was only in probably less than 10 minutes of the 2 hour movie. The non-linear plot threw me off and I watched it twice, thinking that I might understand it better. Nope. At least, I think it was a non-linear plot... Willem Dafoe is a great actor and can basically do no wrong, so he was doing a good job all the way through. I thought it was a little gross to see him with his shirt off though. The camera-work was brilliant and the editing was good, unless it was supposed to be a linear plot. Then the editing was the worst I've ever seen. Overall, it was pretty decent. I rate it adequate and would recommend it if you really, really like Willem Dafoe.

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