

Friday, October 10, 2014

Track of the Moon Beast (1976)

An American science fiction horror directed by Richard Ashe.
A young man is struck by a piece of a meteorite. He experiences headaches and turns into a lizard when the moon is full. While in reptile form, he kills people. He later awakens as a human with no memory of the events.
This should not have been made. The plot is stale and the characters shallow. The pacing is unbearably slow and there is no style to speak of. The bad audio was too loud to the point of distortion and the bad video was sub-par '70s underexposed dark. Music detracted from the value of an already inferior film using cheesy synthesizers. There was a hippy folk song that was stereotypical, but not bad. I believe that they were actually perfoming this musical number, rather than faking to a backing track. That is the only thing in this film that earns any points in the positive direction. This is a bad movie. Do not watch it.

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