

Monday, June 16, 2014

The Lost Jungle (1934)

An American action film directed by David Howard and Armand Schaefer, starring Clyde Beatty.
A lion tamer's girlfriend goes on a jungle expedition with her father on an island. When it is discovered that the expedition is stuck on the island, the lion tamer leads a rescue mission.
It is difficult to say whether the animals in this film were being mistreated. The zoo animals were in small cages (one of which contracted on the lion) and the "wild" animals were forced close together on a small movie set. There was a tense feeling throughout, as if the situation was just barely under control and could erupt into untold violence at any point. The audience was definitely being mistreated, though, while being forced to watch this gruesome spectacle. Most of the soundtrack consisted of canned growls and roars that were played whenever an animal was on-screen. The plot was basic and the characters were pretty shallow. I can't say I liked the style much, considering these factors. Though I may not like it, the style was very definitive and conveyed with a clear sense of strength. I'm giving this one of those wonky pink ratings because It did a very good job of communicating something that I don't really know if I agree with.

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