

Friday, June 14, 2019

Death by Metal (2018)

A Canadian music documentary directed by Felipe Belalcazar.
The story of Chuck Schuldiner is related. He forms a band which goes through troubles and lineup changes.
This was informative, but basic and stuck to the VH1 "behind the music" form. I admit that making a documentary about someone 17 years after they died is difficult. There were interviews with band members, family members, managers and journalists. These all stuck to the single tripod camera format. Just 1 more camera in this setup would have made it way better. There were some pieces of footage featuring the band and old interviews, which were the best part in my opinion. There were also some motion graphics sections which looked a little forced. As far as Death being death metal, I think that another of my drummers said it best "bobo thrash metal" - Chris Dalcin. Although it does border on death, black and prog attributes, it's basically old Sepultura style. The rhythm guitar palm mutes the lowest or second lowest string and plays whatever notes go with that over it. If you don't know about Chuck and Death, but are into metal, watch it. If you were listening to Sonic Insanity when Chuck died (like I was) you can skip it because you know all of this already. I rate it adequate.

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