

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Target of an Assassin (1977)

A South African action adventure directed by Peter Collinson, starring Anthony Quinn and John Phillip Law.
A sniper is trying to kill a president who is being cared for in a hospital. The president's male nurse kidnaps him and together with the nurse's daughter, they go ride in a cable car.
The audio was horrible. I had it cranked and still couldn't tell what people were saying. The video was pretty standard for the '70s and the style seemed like an A-Team episode. The plot was absolutely ludicrous. It seemed to me that the sniper, the nurse and the president were all drug addicts and suffering from withdrawal. Maybe they were poisoned and I missed it? The nurse was puking or doubling over in pain frequently and the president was found living like a bum at one point. The sniper was also a patient at the same hospital, but didn't seem to be sick or injured in any way. The nurse's daughter first appears at his home and is covered in dirt and working like a slave. I found the daughter to be extremely attractive, but not worthy of any female anatomy points. This is evidence that the nurse is an abusive father due to his drug addiction. Obviously, I found the characters to be interesting. This movie was repugnant, but because of the poor presentation of the plot, can be funny. I'm rating it poor because it would be in one's best interest to just watch something else.

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