

Sunday, May 25, 2014

East of Borneo (1931)

An American adventure film directed by George Melford.
A woman goes looking for her lost husband in the jungle. Indebted to the prince who saved his life, the husband is the prince's personal doctor and has developed an alcohol addiction. The prince wishes to marry the wife and conflict ensues.
Am I to go easy on it because it's an old movie and made using the limited technology of that era? No. They could have at least focused their camera because the whole film was blurry and it was very difficult to see what was happening. Their audio equipment wasn't great, but that doesn't mean they had to include so much dead air. In the raft-to-the-jungle scene, the oarsmen were chanting something extremely annoying. Due to these technical issues, discernment of the plot and characters suffered greatly. What I could see and hear was alright at best and shouldn't have taken so much time to communicate. Yes, I'm rating another one bad.

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