

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Street Trash (1987)

An American comedy horror directed by James Muro, produced and written by Roy Frumkes.
A liquor store owner finds a box of old hobo-wine in his cellar and begins selling it. The hobos that drink it instantly liquify and die. Meanwhile, an undercover cop is trying to get rid of a hobo-overlord who lives in a junkyard. The cop is also on the case of a woman who was killed in the junkyard after being taken away from a fancy restaurant by a hobo when she was drunk. The doorman of the restaurant has gotten on the bad side of his boss, who thinks he's in the mafia, for letting the hobo take the woman.
This is quite a piece of cinema! The main character is a hobo who tries to drink the poison wine at every opportunity, but is always prevented from doing so. There is a game of "keep away" with a severed penis and a special song during the closing credits (don't turn it off early). I'm rating this awesome for being totally unique. You've heard of "a diamond in the rough", well in this case, the rough is the diamond.

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