

Sunday, April 7, 2019

The Red Turtle A.K.A. La Tortue Rouge, Reddo Tātoru: Aru Shima no Monogatari, レッドタートル ある島の物語 (2016)

A French Belgian German Japanese animated adventure directed by Michael Dudok de Wit.
A man is shipwrecked on a deserted island. Every time he tries to build a raft and sail away, a giant red turtle comes to break his raft. One night, the turtle lands on the beach.
This has been called something like a "silent masterpiece" because there was no dialogue. The only word in the version that I watched was "help" in English, not in any of the languages of the countries which the film came from. I would classify the plot genre as more of a fable than adventure, but I want it to come up in the adventure section on my blog. The animation was unique. The backgrounds and landscapes were artsy and almost like a Hiroshige print, but the characters were more traditional and simplified anime style. The classical music and sound effects fit well and were of appropriate volume levels. Other critics seem to think that this is just absolutely astounding and beautiful. I would just call it good and keep it with the rest of the Miyazaki and Ghibli films. It didn't go far enough above and beyond to be called awesome.

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