A horror directed by Daniel Mann and Glen Morgan. The 2003 film stars Crispin Glover.
A young man with a sick mother turns to an army of rats to solve his problems.
The premise is the same and the plot is similar, but these are 2 different movies. The 1791 film was a Prelude to Ben (reviewed on this site, find it yourself). In the 1971 version, Willard befriends Ben first and in the 2003 version, he befriends Socrates first. In the 1971 version, the mother dies from her illness and in 2003 she is killed by the rats. In 1971 Willard has financial problems, but in 2003 he's just out for revenge. The differences go on and on. I personally like and know a lot about rats. I find them to be good pets in limited quantities. The only time that they squeak is when they are in trouble, as in hurt or uncomfortable. My question is how were the squeaks produced for the films? Did they hurt rats intentionally to provoke vocalization? I'm rating the set adequate. Neither one was better than the other, but they were very different.
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