

Monday, October 3, 2011

Crank & Crank High Voltage (2006 & 2009)

Action films directed by Neveldine/Taylor, starring Jason Statham.
In the first film, a man is injected with a drug that causes his heart to stop and has to keep his adrenaline up to stay alive. In the second film, the same man's heart is stolen and replaced with a mechanical one, so he has to repeatedly shock himself to stay alive.
Both of these films were very "high energy", to put it lightly. The second one contained a scene that made me look away from the screen. What is it? As you know, I will watch Hellraiser without batting an eye, so there's no way I'm going to spoil such an epic cinema moment. This gruesome act was shown in high definition detail, while earlier in the same film, people having sex is blurred out. ...and this makes sense how? Obviously, I wasn't bored at any point while watching these films. I'm rating them awesome just for being so interesting.

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