

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Wicker Man (1973 & 2006)

A mystery directed by Robin Hardy and Neil LaBute, starring (1973) Christopher Lee, (2006) Nicolas Cage.
A police officer goes to an isolated island because he receives a letter about a missing child. The people on the island don't like him and confuse him, but he persists in his search for the girl. He finds out about pagan rituals performed there and tries to stop them from killing the girl.
These were 2 very different films! They had some similarities like the same basic plot, hating the main character and a wild ending. They had way more differences though, like: The 2006 film changed everything it could without changing the basic plot and it had a wilder ending that I wish had happened in real life. In the 1973 film, there were naked women and good music, but in 2006 we get man hating feminists. The production value of 1973 is not so great, but 2006 is way over-produced, with stupid flashback scenes every few minutes. To give you a hint about my preference, Nicolas cage is in the second one (hate his guts!) and that's why I like the ending more. I'm rating the set o.k. because the 2006 film redeemed itself for all of it's sins in the end.

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