

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Future War (1997)

An American direct to video science fiction directed by Anthony Doublin.
A man from another planet escapes slavery there and arrives on Earth. He is chased by a cyborg and some tyrannosaurs, but enlists the aid of a nun to defeat them.
No redeeming qualities. I'm sure that the Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode was funny, but the original film was not. There was poor writing, bad acting and low budget production, but the worst part was the audio. The music was mixed too loud and the dialogue was mixed too low. There was also white noise through most of the duration. The special effects would be funny to mock, like the fishing line that sounds like a chain. The reappearing empty boxes actually were funny to me. The cyborg's lo-fi vision and servo sounds made it seem more like "Past War" set in the 1980s. Their fake Jean Claude Van Damme fought really slowly. When I see something this bad, it makes me question whether the filmmakers even watched it before the release. According to Wikipedia, it was screened for the crew and the director quit after he saw it. I rate this shit because it is totally worthless.

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