

Saturday, December 18, 2010

rating system update

I realized that my rating system has changed since I last explained it. From good to bad, here's how I'm rating films:
Best: This is a keeper. These are great films that should be watched more than once. I think best says it all. Think Holy Mountain and The Princess Bride.
Awesome: Very cool. These films are unique, they have style and a flavor all their own. They have gone above and beyond just being good. This would be something like Ong Bak 3 or A Boy and His Dog.
Good: This is that solid, green rating that filmmakers are aiming for. I definitely liked a film if it gets this rating. Suckers is the example that comes to mind.
Adequate: These films are pretty good. They're not bad and there's nothing wrong. This is a perfectly fine rating for a film that is cool, but not a unique as others, or doesn't have the style I'm looking for. Examples include Willow or Braveheart.
O.K.: These are regular movies. Nothing special and they get cranked out by Hollywood in obscene amounts. No example necessary.
Poor: There was something wrong, but nothing drastic. The pace was wrong, the characters weren't quite right, or the style was bland. Possibly just a boring movie.
Bad: I found something offensive. There may be too many special effects, or too much camera-work (a common pitfall). The plot was bad or the style was annoying. Solomon Kane comes to mind.
Shit: These films are in the running for a contest known as "The Worst Film Ever". They are bad beyond just not being good. The lack of intelligence required to make something like this is astounding. An example is Metallica's Some Kind of Monster.

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