An French animated science fiction directed by Rene Laloux and written together with Roland Topor.
A civilization of giants domesticates humans as pets. One of the pet humans overhears the schooling of it's alien master and learns the culture of the aliens. When the alien grows up and loses interest in the human, he steals the learning tool and finds a group of wild humans who live in fear of the aliens. He shares the learning tool and the other humans benefit from it's knowledge. When the aliens try to exterminate all of the humans, a small band of survivors goes to an abandoned alien city and uses the technology there to build rockets in an attempt to find an inhabitable place where the aliens can't get to them.
The animation style of this film was amazing and the alien landscapes and monsters were indeed fantastic. The plot seemed fine by my standards. I would have liked the characters to be a little bit deeper, especially the main character who narrates the film sparsely. I'm rating it best because of the wild animation.