

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Jupiter Ascending (2015)

An Australian American science fiction directed by The Wachowskis, starring Channing Tatum and Sean Bean.
A young woman finds out that she is the heir of a galactic estate which includes the Earth and people are trying to take it. A young man from space falls into the role of saving her at the last second.
This is what happens when special effects become a higher priority than writing or acting. It all looked great because it was made in a computer. Actors and sets were a minor element in the visual landscape. The plot was tired before it started. When the hero was closing in on saving the female lead the second time, I found it funny. It seems like it was written by copying and pasting from other science fiction scripts. Characters? who cares about them when we've got these alien monsters and explosions? Dialogue and delivery were stale and overplayed. How many times can films repeat the same old science fiction cliches with new video technology before folks stop watching it? Apparently, not enough yet because I watched this. I rate it bad because it's a polished turd. Don't watch it.

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