

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Jamaica Inn (1939)

A British crime thriller directed by Alfred Hitchcock, starring Charles Laughton and Maureen O'Hara.
A young woman goes to stay with her aunt, but finds there are criminals there, working for a rich man who lives nearby.
Michael Medved put this in his "The Fifty Worst Films of All Time" book, and for good reason. The video was all underexposed and the audio was full of loud background noise that chopped off abruptly for indoor scenes. This was to the point that it physically hurt to watch. I got a headache from it. The plot could not hold my attention and was not clearly presented. There were too many characters with not enough screen time to identify them. All of the rich guy's servants and all of the criminals were just a mess. The rich guy also had old guests who just sat at the table for a single scene. Dialogue was a major problem because of wave sounds. There was no whisper acting, but sometimes even shouting would not cut through the waves. There was also fast talking and in British dialect, making it nearly incoherent to this American. Point is, I don't think there was anything that was not a problem in this. When I go looking for images of 16:9 films, I get 4:3 chopdowns, so obviously I found tons of 16:9 chopdowns of this 4:3 movie. I rate it shit because it actually did hurt to watch. DO NOT WATCH!

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