

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

I Think We're Alone Now (2018)

An American drama directed by Reed Morano, starring Peter Dinklage and Elle Fanning.
A man is cleaning up a town after an apocalypse, when a girl crashes her car on one of the streets. Thinking they are alone, they become friends. Then the girl's parents show up.
This may have been on a list of "worst movies ever" but I thought it was mostly fine. I even liked lots of it. Let's start with what I did not like: the ending. Like The Breakfast Club (1985), this built some great early setup and mid-film bulk before falling apart. This just wrapped everything up way too quickly. If a direct sequel were made in the same style, it would complete the story and be great. What I did like was basically everything else. The plot was sparse, but held my attention because slow pacing oriented events coherently in time. The characters were not astoundingly deep or dynamic, but the combination of the 2 main characters worked well and the roles were well acted. Video was amazing: camera-work, editing, it was right. Most of the audio was good, although there was whisper acting. What do you expect in 2018 though? I liked the Rush-only diegetic soundtrack, but I would have pushed for more of it in non-diegetic sections. Maybe that would be a mistake though. If I'm writing this much and not poking fun or mocking, I liked it. I rate this good because it was, except the ending. Watch it.

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