

Friday, January 24, 2020

...And Justice for All. (1979)

An American courtroom drama directed by Norman Jewison, starring Al Pacino and Jack Warden.
An honest lawyer becomes aware of corruption and apathy in the court system. He is asked to defend a judge he hates and tries to do a good job.
I would think of this as a Serpico (1973) sequel. Al Pacino is in basically the same situation, an honest man amid corruption. The plot definitely held my attention and the characters were developed well. Production looked and sounded very '70s. The video was a little under-saturated and grainy/gritty. The audio was mostly focused in mid-range and I could hear all of the dialogue very well. I guess this goes along with a theme of equality that I've been noticing in 13th (2016), 16 Blocks (2006) and 1492: Conquest of Paradise (1992). The basic idea that I'm seeing repeated is that everyone should treat eachother equally and follow the rules, but that becomes difficult when those who make the rules treat everyone else as inferior and don't follow the rules they made. Yes, we live in a contradictory world to the point that when something makes sense, people suspect that something is wrong with it. I rate this good and I'm putting it in a folder with Serpico. You should probably watch it.

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