

Thursday, March 5, 2020

52 Pick-Up (1986)

An American crime film directed by John Frankenheimer, starring Roy Schneider and Ann-Margret.
Criminals record a video of a man cheating on his wife and try to blackmail him. They also catch and kill his mistress on video. He doesn't have enough money, but tries to make a deal with them. The criminals then turn against one another, trying to get a larger share of the money.
This was alright. The plot was clearly presented, but not really what I enjoy watching. The characters were cast and acted unevenly. Some of them were very convincing while others seemed contrived and forced. Video looked more '70s than '80s and there was a really long ending pull out shot, which is a very 1970s thing to do. Audio was a little biased to higher midrange, but I could hear the dialogue. There was a song in the soundtrack which I think may have been used on multiple occasions, but I'm not going back to check. I rate this o.k.

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