

Monday, April 27, 2020

A Bolt from the Blue A.K.A. Seiten no Hekireki, 青天の霹靂 (2014)

A Japanese fantasy drama directed by Hitori Gekidan.
A man is disappointed with his life and gets struck by lightning, sending him into the past. There, he meets his mother and father. He works at a variety show theater as a magician and his father becomes his assistant.
Pretty cool, but also pretty sappy. The first half was interesting and funny. When the second half got sappy, the ending was not far away. Despite language differences, I think the actors did a great job. The magic performed in this was impressive and made me wonder how it was done. As convincing as the magic was the time change. There were real items from 1948 like bicycles and cars. The street scene looked authentic to me. The most important element that I noticed was that it didn't seem forced or contrived. Given that someone wrote it and a crew filmed actors playing roles, it seemed more real than many other films I've seen. I'm sure that good writing went a long way in achieving this. I rate it good because I liked it. If you try to avoid sap like I do, just remember that it gets that way right before ending and after lots of funny stuff with an immersive plot. You should probably watch it.

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