A documentary directed by...
I'm just fucking with you! There have been some misunderstandings about my rating system and I want to clear up any questions that may have developed.
BETTER THAN GOOD: Some films are just so great that good doesn't apply to them anymore. I use colors like
purple or
white on the text. These are usually strange or crazy in some way and really stand out from the crowd as being (in my opinion) over-the-top cool. Please consider that my tastes are strange, so if you're saying "what's so great about that?" then you probably see the film from a different perspective than I do.
GOOD: These are just plain good movies. I use
green text. They took that extra bit of effort and didn't just blend in with the o.k.s.
O.K.: This is (sadly) where the bulk of movies land. I'm not saying it's bad. I know lots of your favorite movies are in here, but that's what this is for: normality. If it didn't catch me by the nads and make me notice it, this is where it ended up. These movies are fine, so don't get me wrong when I put a film in
yellow print.
BAD: This is the trashcan. I use
red text. These movies stood out in a bad way. Maybe they were too boring, maybe they were annoying, maybe they were Hollywood bullshit. Just remember, you can platinum-plate Steven Spielburg's feces, but it's still shit to me. Again, I know some of your favorite movies are in here. Maybe if you had watched what I've watched, you would understand why.
OTHER: I classify into other categories sometimes and use text colors to match. If you read the review, it will explain why I do this.
I use this rating system because it's MY movie blog with MY opinion written into it. If YOU don't agree with me and want to place a complaint, the comments are open to ANYONE. No membership or login is needed, just click the comments link and tell me what you think. I'm VERY interested in what you think of my blog, the movies I watch and my reviewing process. This is why the comments are open! There is even a poll on the side with only 2 answers (you like my blog or don't like my blog), so PLEASE give me feedback and tell me what you think.