

Friday, August 1, 2014

The Devil's Party (1938)

An American crime drama directed by Ray McCarey, starring Victor McLaglen.
A gang of children grow up in New York City. One of them is caught setting fire to a warehouse as a child and gets into criminal activities as an adult. Some of his fellow gang members grow up to be police. When a man dies and it looks like murder, the police are called in and the gangster turns out to be involved.
The audio, video and style are very old-fashioned now, but were standard at the time this was made. This makes the film seem very dated. The plot and characters were mildly interesting and I was able to follow the story through the whole duration. Conflict involving cops and gangsters is generally overused and did not do anything to help this film stand out to me. Overall, it's an old movie about childhood friendships being broken by concerns in the adult world. I rate it poor.

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