

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Beautiful Truth (2008)

Blogger has "updated". In other words, "mutated" or "downgraded". I believe that blogger has been genetically modified and deliberately dumbed down. The familiar interface is gone and has been replaced by a system in which I had to search for the button to write a new post. When I uploaded the image, it just put the fuckin' thing wherever it wanted. Alien software aside, my post:
An American documentary by Steve Kroschel.
A 15 year old boy finds out about a worldwide conspiracy network to destroy human life.
This film presents plenty of important topics about food and health in a cohesive manner. A solution is even given! This puts it miles above other conspiracy documentaries which only present a problem (I'm talking about you, Alex Jones). The style and production value are good as well. I'm rating this awesome because it is everything that any documentary should be: cohesive, coherent, concise and conclusive.