A drama directed by Franco Zeffirelli, starring Mel Gibson.
A young noble's uncle has conspired with the noble's mother to kill his father. The mother and uncle marry and the young man disapproves. He sees his father's ghost when the guards of the castle alert him to the specter's appearance. Soon, the mother and uncle begin plotting the young man's death as well.
This film used a shortened version of the original play, but kept much of the dialogue the same. Some people may have trouble understanding things when all of the speech is in poetry, but I fared quite well in this. The plot and characters are good, as they had better be for a Shakespeare play. The style and production value were typical of the late '80s and early'90s, which is none too shabby. I wish that I had seen it in widescreen, as the title scene did not even show the whole word "Hamlet". I can only imagine what else got cut off. Overall, it was decent. I'm rating it adequate.
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